Rules for obtaining a residence permit in Latvia


The law allows owners of privatized apartments to buy land

At one time, as a result of land reform, by restoring the property rights of former owners or their heirs to the land, shared ownership was created – apartment owners do not own the land on which the residential building is located.

As a result, apartment owners should and should expect that in addition to monthly utility payments, they must also allocate funds for land rent.

According to publicly available data from the State Land Service, there are approximately 3,677 apartment buildings in Latvia, housing approximately 111,000 111,000 apartments.

This home is located on 3000 units of land. It can be seen that the problem of shared ownership is practically a problem only in the largest cities, because in other cities and rural areas the number of cases where apartment buildings and lands that do not belong to the apartment owners is negligible – one house per small city or parish. The most acute problem in Riga. About 30% of all apartment buildings with this status are located in Riga. Then come Jurmala, Daugavpils, Jelgava and Ogre.

“Problem” houses are mainly located in areas built during the Soviet era.

In Riga these are the following microdistricts:

  • Purvciems (around Jerikai Street)
  • Kangarag
  • grasshoppers
  • Vecmilgravis
  • Ilguciems
  • Soap Mountain

For example, in terms of the number of apartments, a house in shared ownership is located in Ziepniekkalne (the longest residential building in the Baltics) at Ozolciema Street 18, which has almost 400 apartments.

In Jurmala, multi-apartment buildings of shared ownership are mainly concentrated in Dubulti and Kauguris, and in Jelgava they are scattered – located on Marasa, Asteru, Peteras, Rajniša streets, etc., some houses are located in Parlielupe. In Ogre, as in Jurmala, shared ownership houses are located in certain places, mainly on Markalne Avenue and Skolas, Pirts, Robezu streets.

This year, on January 1, the law on the termination of compulsory shared ownership of privatized apartment buildings came into force, which stipulates that owners of privatized apartments in apartment buildings located on land plots owned by another person, and as a result of which compulsory shared ownership exists, will be able buy functionally necessary land for a house.

This is good news for apartment owners, but not so good for land owners.